Trinity Health Alliance


With the cost of healthcare on the rise, it is important to develop strategies to increase the quality of care provided for our population while simultaneously reducing overall healthcare costs. Pharmaceutical costs are a significant driver of the rising cost of healthcare. The pharmacy department at Trinity Health Alliance has three key areas of focus related to the need to reduce costs and improve the quality of care:

Reducing Clinically Inappropriate Pharmaceutical Spend – Identify opportunities & collaborate with care teams to design and implement evidence-based pharmacy cost savings
initiatives by leveraging pharmacy data & designing utilization management strategies.

Enhancing Patient Care & Providing Clinical Interventions – Collaborate with in-network
clinical pharmacy resources on targeted pharmacy programming to improve Alternative Payment
Model (APM) performance and support appropriate use of medications.

Providing Pharmacy Related Education – Identify needs, develop tools, and maintain resources for network providers and staff on pharmacy-related content to help aid medication selection and cost-conscious rescribing. Additionally, we also provide educational opportunities for pharmacy students and residents.

Key Programming

Comprehensive Medication Management

  • Pharmacist provided medication management services in support of team-based care
  • Demonstrated favorable impacts on total cost of care and healthcare utilization

Quality Measure Support

  • Medication adherence support
  • Statin measure support

Transitions of Care Pharmacy Support

  • Patient-level support following hospital or emergency visit encounter

Diabetes Medication Management Collaboration

  • Team identifying and implementing interventions in diabetes and related conditions

Comprehensive medication reviews lead to improved outcomes, safety, and coordination of care.

It was easy to ask the pharmacist questions and I am thankful for their help. I felt valued and not rushed.

This was really helpful! I so appreciated this medication review.

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